Updated : 04/22/2024
Clark County is very small with a population of less than 1,000 as of 2015. The County website has alist or ordinances. It contains references to the IBC but not a residential code. https://www.clark-co.id.gov/Ordinances.aspx
Helpful resources for Clark County, Idaho include the following.
Residential Building Code
Idaho adopted a model state residential code but it is not in force unless adopted locally.See PLRB,
Idaho Building Codes for more information on state level codes.
Clark County adopted a code that is yet to be identified .Please contact PLRB if you would like us to research this for you.
Auto Search - beta:
No results were located with the automated search.
Drip Edge
Drip Edge: Undetermined
Ice Barrier
No local adoption was found. If they did adopt a code, it would be the state code.
Commercial Building Code
Clark County adopted a code that is yet to be identified .Please contact PLRB if you would like us to research this for you.
Auto Search - beta:
No results were located with the automated search.